Source from hotelchatter.com

Good news for those who do not want to wait in security line at the airport, The Mark hotel has taken the initiative to start providing a dedicated airport concierge to help guests navigate the unsavory experience of landing in—and departing from—JFK, La Guardia and Newark.

The airport concierge is exclusive for the guests who have booked this service, and the guests will be greeted at the gate when they arrived, escorted through immigration, assisted with luggage and guided to a waiting car. 

The added value of this service is that the airport concierges actually can help guests skip to the front of the line at immigration and customs (upon arrival), and security (upon departure).

The service itself is not for free. The hotel is charging $400 USD per couple for such special service. Having said that, I believe many business travelers or high-class families would find this service appealing.

10/22/2018 03:40:58 pm

Excellent Web page, Carry on the good job.


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